Utilities ~ Media Queries
Site-wide breakpoints

Silva uses a global breakpoints map to centrally store breakpoints and their associated properties. The breakpoints map is used to generate responsive classes for several modules, such as the Grid, Spacing, and more.


Site-wide breakpoints are defined in scss/modules/_utils.responsive.scss. Example definition:

$site_breakpoints: (
   xs: (
      name: 'xs',
      mq: "(min-width: 0px)",
      mq-isolate: "(max-width: 451px)",
   s: (
      name: 's',
      mq: "(min-width: 451px)",
      mq-isolate: "(min-width: 451px) and (max-width: 700px)",
   m: (
      name: 'm',
      mq: "(min-width: 701px)",
      mq-isolate: "(min-width: 701px) and (max-width: 960px)",
   l: (
      name: 'l',
      mq: "(min-width: 961px)",
      mq-isolate: "(min-width: 961px) and (max-width: 1240px)",
   xl: (
      name: 'xl',
      mq: "(min-width: 1241px)",
      mq-isolate: "(min-width: 1241px) and (max-width: 1920px)",
   xxl: (
      name: 'xxl',
      mq: "(min-width: 1921px)",
      mq-isolate: "(min-width: 1921px) and (max-width: 4096px)",

The definition holds the breakpoints, their names and their media queries. Each breakpoint has both a mobile-first media query (this breakpoint and up) and a breakpoint isolation media query (to target a single breakpoint). The breakpoint definition is used throughout the system to generate breakpoint-specific utilities. To use a breakpoint in your own components:

@media screen and #{map-deep-get($site_breakpoints, $breakpoint, "mq")}

Where $breakpoint is the name of the breakpoint the retrieve. The value to retrieve can be "mq" (this breakpoint and up) or "mq-isolate". The breakpoint array can also be used to store other breakpoint-specific properties.